Date on the PC 16-10-24
Time on the PC 5:44

Date on the Station 16-10-24
Time on the Station 5:44

UTC Date 16-10-24
UTC Time 3:44

Station Name Kruiningen Schonewal
Station City Kruiningen
Station State Zld
Station Elevation 0 m
Station Latitude 51° 26' 25" N
Station Longitude 4° 02' 10" E

Sunrise Time 8:10
Sunset Time 18:48

Weather Forecast: Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours Windy with possible wind shift to the W, NW, or N.
Moon Phase Full Moon

Outside Temperature 12.9°C
High Outside Temperature 12.9°C at 5:40
Low Outside Temperature 10.8°C at 0:00
High Monthly Outside Temp 19.7°C
Low Monthly Outside Temp 5.1°C
High Yearly Outside Temp 33.6°C
Low Yearly Outside Temp -4.1°C

Outside Humidity 94%
High Humidity 94% at 3:28
Low Humidity 93% at 0:00
High Monthly Humidity 97%
Low Monthly Humidity 56%
High Yearly Humidity 98%
Low Yearly Humidity 34%

Outside Dew Point 11.9°C
High Dew Point 12.2°C at 5:34
Low Dew Point 10.0°C at 0:00
High Monthly Dew Point 15.0°C
Low Monthly Dew Point 3.9°C
High Yearly Dew Point 23.9°C
Low Yearly Dew Point -8.9°C

Wind Speed 11.3 km/hr
10 Minute Average Wind Speed 6.4 km/hr
High Wind Speed 17.7 km/hr at 0:04
High Monthly Wind Speed 45.1 km/hr
High Yearly Wind Speed 75.6 km/hr

Wind Data km/hr 1 min 2 min 5 min 10 min
Average Wind Speed --- --- --- ---
High Wind Speed --- --- --- ---

Wind Direction in degrees 130
Wind Direction sector SE

Wind Chill 12.7°C
Low Wind Chill 10.0°C at 0:25
Low Monthly Wind Chill 5.0°C
Low Yearly Wind Chill -10.0°C

Outside Heat Index 13.1°C
High Heat Index 13.3°C at 5:34
High Monthly Heat Index 20.0°C
High Yearly Heat Index 38.9°C

THW Index 12.8°C

High THSW Index 12.2°C at 5:44
High Monthly THSW Index 26.7 °C
High Yearly THSW Index 45.0 °C

Barometer 1008.3 hPa
Barometer Trend Falling Rapidly
High Barometer 1011.8 hPa at 0:00
Low Barometer 1008.2 hPa at 5:29
Low Monthly Barometer 983.9 hPa
High Monthly Barometer 1021.9 hPa
Low Yearly Barometer 972.8 hPa
High Yearly Barometer 1035.7 hPa

Daily Rain 0.0 mm
Storm Rain 0.0 mm
Monthly Rain 24.2 mm
Yearly Rain 698.4 mm

Current Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr at ----
High Hourly Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
High Monthly Rain Rate 63.6 mm/hr
High Yearly Rain Rate 140.4 mm/hr

Solar Radiation 0 W/m²
High Solar Rad 0 W/m² at ----
High Monthly Solar Rad 729 W/m²
High Yearly Solar Rad 1222 W/m²

UV 0.0 index
High UV 0.0 index at ----
High Monthly UV 2.1 index
High Yearly UV 5.7 index

Inside Temperature 17.8°C
High Inside Temperature 18.0°C at 3:29
Low Inside Temperature 17.8°C at 1:03
High Monthly Inside Temp 22.3°C
Low Monthly Inside Temp 16.3°C
High Yearly Inside Temp 31.2°C
Low Yearly Inside Temp 13.9°C

Inside Humidity 65%
High Inside Humidity 65% at 0:01
Low Inside Humidity 64% at 2:53
High Monthly Inside Humidity 76%
Low Monthly Inside Humidity 51%
High Yearly Inside Humidity 82%
Low Yearly Inside Humidity 27%

Inside Dew Point 11.2 °C

Inside Heat Index 17.4°C

EMC 21.4%
Air Density 0.0756 lb/cu.ft

Daily ET 0.00 mm
Monthly ET 17.02 mm
Yearly ET 623.82 mm